Garnier Clean Refreshing Remover (Review)

I bought this Garnier product on the go because I had no more makeup remover wipes. WHAT???? Yeah I know, I, Amanda had no more makeup remover wipes. And I'm still shocked when I think about it. I was at the grocery store that conveniently had a cosmetics section similar to Walmart. I needed to buy some wipes but since I was far from where I buy my usual wipes I thought why not try different ones? So I bought them thinking that I would like. I have other Garnier beauty products that I absolutely love so why not try their makeup remover wipes? 

***Not Cruelty-free👎***

See I thought I was being logical with this purchase but boy was I wrong. I hate them. I absolutely hate them!!!! I HATE THEM!!!!!!!! The first thing I hate about them and I didn't realize how off the combination would be; is the smell. Think about it; peppermint and grape extract? Who thought in their right minds that this combination would be good? Maybe they weren't in their right mind. 

Second thing I don't like about them is that they don't fully remove my makeup. I end up having raccoon eyes. It's the equivalent of adding water to your face minus feeling refreshed. Other thing I didn't like was that the wipes didn't have enough lotion to remove my makeup with. It was a catastrophe. 

The last thing that I didn't like about this product and truly made me hate it was that it started to break me out. All of a sudden I would start getting pimples. And fortunately thanks to my mother's genes I don't break out. Or sometimes I'll get one pimple but two days later it disappears. I have a good complexion but using these wipes I started getting little pimples all of my face. I tried using my favorite wipes to see if maybe it were the wipes from Garnier that were breaking me out. And it was. 

Trust me on this you guys the smell alone is so off putting but that it actually breaks me out? That was the last straw and I highly recommend that you do not buy or use this product. As far as the rating goes? 0 stars on 5. It was that bad. 

Have you guys tried them? If so let me know in the comment section what you guys thought of them.


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