Murdered Out (The Morganville Vampires #6.5) By: Rachel Caine (Book Review)

 ***This review will contain spoilers***


Normal life in Morganville. As far as normal ever was, Shane Collins thought; nobody was overtly rioting, getting arrested, or killing anyone. Not on the street, anyway.

One of the hard-to-find exclusive stories written specifically for the UK editions (which at the time were being published a month or two after the US releases, meaning that die-hard fans rushed to buy internationally) … it was offered as an extra to help the UK publisher convince fans there to wait for the local edition, and it seems to have worked!

I love these little short stories. Especially, when it is from a different character's perspective. We don't often get to see much from Shane by himself so I'm happy this short story exists. He has truly grown and changed for the better so far in the series and it truly shows in this story. 

Aside from Claire, Shane is the only one in the house who doesn't have a car. For most it doesn't seem much but when you live in a town like Morganville having your own wheels make it a little easier to survive. While out on a date, Shane and Claire didn't realize just how late they stayed out and in a hurry to get home Claire hurts her ankle. Of course, with no vehicle Shane had to carry her home in a hurry before the vampires come out and bite. 

Despite finding the car of his dreams at such a cheap price he does the right thing. Both he and Rad the mechanic end up screwing over a vampire and selling Rad's falling apart charger while Rad himself got to keep the charger Shane bought off a little old lady struggling to pay bills since he came up with the plan. Not only does he give Rad money he got from the vampire but he went back to the old lady and gave her money as well. 

This short story demonstrates just how much of a big heart Shane has. He cares for those he barely even knows and even if he wants to be selfish he still does the right thing. How can you not love someone like that? I absolutely loved this story and hope to read more from Shane's point of view. 


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