Marvel One-Shot: Agent Carter (Review)

 *This review will contain spoilers*


British Operative Peggy Carter Joins the nascent S.H.I.E.L.D organization in search of the 'Zodiac' key. Agent Carter also battles her misogynistic, bureaucratic Boss, Agent Flynn. 

I know that this is meant to be a short film of 15 minutes or less but I thought they would have used up the time effectively. All that really happened was Carter being judged and undermined by Agent Flynn, she ended up going on a dangerous mission by herself to retrieve a vial? After her successful mission, Howard Stark calls through the hotline and asks Agent Flynn to tell Agent Carter she is going to become the head of Shield. 

That's it. Nothing else. I have no clue what the heck the Zodiac key is from this one shot. All I know that Agent Carter had a hard time by her fellow colleagues and she kicks ass in the field. If we really wanted to jumpstart something here a little more info on the Zodiac key would have been the best thing to do. Peggy is a strong willed woman and can handle herself while in high heels! 


I'm giving this one shot 3 stars on 5. It was nice to see Agent Carter a few after Steve sacrificed himself and crashed the jet. But I wish we had more of a segway between this one shot and Marvel's Agent Carter tv show. 


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