Micah (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #13) By: Laurell K. Hamilton (Book Review)
***This review will contain spoilers***
There are lots of reasons to raise the dead-some private, some public. In this case, the feds have a witness who died before he could speak on the record. They want him raised so his testimony can be taken. So here I am, on a plane to Philadelphia, flying off to do my job. But I'm not alone. Micah is with me. Micah, head of the St. Louis wereleopard pard. King to my Queen. The only one of my lovers who can stir my blood with just a glance from his chartreuse cat's eyes. I was happy to have him at my side. Until he mentioned that this will be our first time alone together. No Master Vampire. No Alpha Werewolf. Just me and Micah. And all my fears and doubts...
Not sure if someone told Hamilton to chill with all the crazy extreme sex scenes but we were only subjected to one sex scene in this book, if we can really call it a book. Hamilton's books normally range from 400-700 pages per book but this one was less than 250 pages. There really wasn't a plot and honestly this should have been published as a short story instead of a book. Or heck, a short story accessible online because this book was seriously lacking in plot and was more filler than actual content to further the overall story/ Anita Blake Universe.
I want to know if anyone actually read this monstrosity because I can't whole heartedly believe someone read it and was okay for it to get published. The story was basically Anita hating Micah trying to make it romantic between the two of them by getting a expensive hotel suite, them having sex and then a zombie raising that goes bad. Sounds like a short story to me. I'm actually mad that I'm stuck in this hellhole of a book series because once I start reading I'm committed and baby I'm 13 books in deep now. I've got to finish this series and see if there are any redeeming qualities and if Hamilton will turn this steaming pile of shit into a sunny meadow filled with flowers. Doubt it, but a girl can dream.
I am going to give Micah 1 star on 5. I don't have much to say because it was that bad. It was short, had no plot and was so boring. I thought that there not being a single sex scene for a couple chapters we were in the clear and we'd get a actual well thought out story but I was mistaken. It was boring and a waste of time.
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