True Blood Season 1 Episode 1 Strange Love (Review)

The first episode opening up for the next seven seasons of True Blood this is basically setting the time and atmosphere to which the audience will be viewing and also to get us familiar with. I'm really kind of happy to see how cute and innocent Sookie is because you would think with the ability she has, she would be less prone to getting taken advantage of or even less trusting of others. That's just my opinion on the matter. And I have to say that since it is filmed in Louisiana and they do have the accents, I can say that I finally know where I love getting my southern accent from.

If I had the same mind-reading ability as Sookie I'd be busting out laughing every freaking second and be losing my shit with the non-stop inappropriate thoughts about me. Damn! Then I would need to learn to have more patience.  

Honestly, and I might get a few haters out of saying this but am I the only one who finds Bill unattractive? As a vampire you'd think they could find a better looking man (no offense). He didn't excite my lady parts in any way at all. And you can tell by the way he dresses that he looks pretty sketchy, shady and creepy. Would you want to date a guy that looks like that? Yeah didn't think so. He looked like a total bum and what is up with that hair? After a century you couldn't find a better hairstyle?

Well some shock value for you all (there is sex!!!!) I don't know what's more weird maybe it's because I actually watched these sex scenes when I was younger or maybe it's because seeing them now makes me uncomfortable. Why couldn't they just put a blanket over themselves while having sex? Oh wait! I know why. It must be really hot! Duh. I don't know about any of you but I would die of a heatstroke if I even was living somewhere close to there. And adding sex to that? Forget it! I'm dead. 

One of my favorite characters? Tara obviously! She is way too funny. 

And that hillbilly couple yeah they need to go back to elementary school and get taught some manners. But Sookie holding that knife against the Rattrays just shows how inexperienced she really is. Also, Sookie really has no sense of self-preservation. Especially, when it comes to Bill which by the way stupid name. And y'all I didn't realize it until now but the first time Bill says "What are you?" he was actually trying to glamour her!!! I can't believe I didn't realize it before!

Why would you want to date a guy who gets drained by humans so easily? Dumb-ass. Vampire my you know what. If he is a vampire than I'm a unicorn. Plus you would think being dead for a long time and all that he would be better at masking his emotions, right? Anyone else get a headache watching Sookie getting her head kicked around? Which why was Bill late? Aren't vampires punctual or something? I seriously doubt he was too busy tweeting to actually make it on time.

That's all for this episode. Leave a comment and let me know what y'all think. For the True Blood: Episode Review Guide click here.


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