Lush: Boxing Day Mayhem

I have been an avid fan of Lush for a few years now and if you know anything about Lush then you know that the biggest day of the year is Boxing Day. Their Boxing Day Sale has items typically from their Halloween and Christmas collections on sale for 50% off. Now if you follow me on any of my social media accounts then you know I am obsessed with Lush and how can I not take advantage of the sale? This year though things were a little bit different. I'm not sure why but they keep pushing us to use their app to make purchases. At first, it was using the app for early access to some of their new collections and collaborations but for Boxing Day you could only use the app to make an order on their items marked down. I kid you not, Christmas day I kept scrolling social media and Reddit to see if anyone knew what time the sale would start and no one was able to say what time. That day as well every time I would go to the app I would get an error message, essentially, saying there's ...