True Blood |Season 2 Episode 4: Shake And Fingerpop (Review)

 ***There will be spoilers***

I find it ironic that when Bill first turned Jessica, he wanted nothing to do with her and went as far as leaving her with Eric Northman but as soon as he walks in on Jessica and Hoyt, he gets all protective and over-reacts like a father would. 

I don’t know the bible cover to cover but I do know that anyone is able to spot Jason’s bullshit when it comes to his ‘knowledge’ of the bible. I don’t understand how Jason can confidently spew bullshit and expect other’s to believe it. He isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed and he sure as hell ain’t smart enough to manipulate anyone. I think he’s stupid and ignorant, and that he doesn’t know what he’s saying most of the time. Being the horny dog that he is, it was obvious that him and Sara have chemistry but I never expected him to be upset at being told he’s the playtoy of the Reverend’s wife. It’s as if he was hoping to be praised for his strength and endurance but he doesn’t want to be objectified or used. Ironic, since he frequently objectifies women and thinks only with his dick. 

Miss Jeanette, as we find out was mauled by the same bull creature that attacked Sookie (same scratch marks) and she was paralyzed before having her heart ripped out. Obviously, there’s something bigger at play than just a bull headed creature wreaking havoc. That mystery pig seems to be involved in all of it. 

Arriving from her flight to Dallas, somebody is already trying to abduct Sookie. With the Fellowship of the Sun having a huge influence in Dallas with a vampire hating agenda, it's no surprise that they sent someone to abduct Sookie to stop her from finding Godric; the missing vampire sheriff. There's obviously a traitor in their midst. 

The party at Sookie's house celebrating Tara's birthday was intense! It's like everyone was surrendering themselves to their gluttonous side and letting their primal instinct take over. It was all about dancing, drinking and participating in sexual activities. Evidently, Maryann is the cause of this behaviour just as she is the bull-headed creature with the clawed hands. It's like when she vibrates, she is centering herself with nature and affecting all the humans around her. Would explain why Sam isn't affected by it since he is a shifter and he is very close to nature as well. And Daphne appears to know what Sam is. 

I like seeing Bill finally taking responsibility and teaching Jessica something about being a vampire. But it's such a shame that it was Sookie that had to encourage him to do so. By the end of the episode, Sookie finally comes across somebody with the same ability. And seeing as she doesn't have any sense of self-preservation she runs after the guy when he realizes she can read his mind as well. 


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